Domain Driven Design


DDD is a key design practice that helps to design the microservices of the product that you are developing, into DDD the mainstay is de DOMAIN, and with a good desing and the fundamentals to apply DDD aproach is usually for complex systems that requiere a clear and good arquitecture and layered, decouple segregate structure.

the fundamentals inside DDD are

  • Ubiquitous language and unified model language (UML)
  • Multilayer architecture
  • Artifacts (components)

Ubiquitous language

the comunication and desings with Ubiquitous language,
let us remove the misundestanding ,misinterpretation and comunications gaps among them, using UML and the collective of diagrams and desings allow evade the ambiguty or definition unique per bounded context, for now think in it as a field where all logical componets related are setted

Multilayer architecture

the common way to decouple the componets inside an application, in diferent layers tha have single responsability and each layer are connect between them

  1. Presentation layer or User Interface (UI).
  2. Application layer.
  3. Domain layer.
  4. Infrastructure layer.

Artifacts of domain-driven design

There are seven different artifacts used in DDD to express, create, and retrieve domain models:

  1. Entities
  2. Value objects
  3. Services
  4. Aggregates
  5. Repository
  6. Factory
  7. Module

